Accomplish Your New Year’s Resolutions by Using Self-Hypnosis

It’s the new year which means it’s New Year's resolutions time! The time when people set a goal, often vague and unrealistic, and then forget about it by the time Valentine’s Day approaches. Less than half of the people that set New Year's resolutions follow through with them, but if you want to be part of that minority that follows through then you might want to incorporate a little thing called self-hypnosis. Hypnosis is a mental state in which people experience increased focus, awareness, and suggestibility. You can then use this state to introduce beneficial suggestions to the subconscious, the subconscious where people hold most habits, beliefs, and fears. You can see how tapping into this mindset can be beneficial? Below, I’ll show you how I would incorporate self-hypnosis to help me accomplish some common resolutions. 

So many resolutions fall under an umbrella of getting healthier, and hypnosis really shines when it comes to health and wellness. For example you can use hypnosis to help you reduce sugar cravings, quit smoking or Vaping, or even get past gym shyness. The more specific the goal the better chance you have of seeing it through so let’s say I want to run a 5k this year. I would use self-hypnosis so that every time I see my running shoes, if I haven’t ran yet, then I would feel a surge of motivation and energy to run as I remember why accomplishing this goal is so important to me. If I have already run then I will feel pride at how hard I’m working towards my goal. The great thing about self-hypnosis is that you can make it entirely specific and personal to you and the more personal the better. 

Let’s say you want to feel more confident or be more assertive this year, how could we use self-hypnosis to help with that? You might have tried using affirmations in the past and quit because you weren’t seeing results or felt like you were just bullshitting yourself. Affirmations can be a lot more effective when given in a state of hypnosis because we are bypassing the conscious mind, where we filter out most of these affirmations due to biases and prejudices we’ve picked up, and going straight to the subconscious mind where we hold our beliefs.

What are your New Year’s resolutions? How can you use self-hypnosis to help accomplish them?


Use Self-Hypnosis To Supercharge Your Affirmations