Use Self-Hypnosis To Supercharge Your Affirmations

Are you having trouble getting results with affirmations or daily mantras? Sometimes using affirmations can feel like you’re trying to just pound a certain thought or feeling into your mind. However, by using self-hypnosis, you can access your subconscious mind and supercharge your affirmations to help them feel more natural so that you can finally start seeing results. 
When giving ourselves affirmations it can feel like we’re lying to ourselves because our critical mind is intercepting it and examining it with all of our biases. We tell ourselves “I feel calm and confident” but then the critical mind, which has years of feeling unconfident, years of poor self-talk, and visceral memories of feeling insecure, instantly replies with “No you don’t”. How can we expect these affirmations to help when they can’t even get through the front door? Hypnosis bypasses your critical faculty so that you can actually absorb the affirmations and let them take effect. Brain scans of people during hypnosis showed a decrease in activity in the dorsal anterior cingulate and reduced connections between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the default mode network. By slowing the activity in those regions, where self-consciousness and critical thinking take place, we allow the affirmations to actually penetrate the subconscious mind and enact meaningful change. 

Hypnosis at its very basics is a narrowing of focus and attention. You can imagine using a telephoto lens, it zooms in and focuses on the target, leaving everything else out of frame. By using self-hypnosis you are able to narrow your focus on the affirmation and leave any distractions out of frame.

There are two other things you can do, along with self-hypnosis, to improve your results with affirmations. First, use positive language as most as you can. Instead of saying “I will not feel anxious” try something like “I feel calmer and calmer everyday”. Lastly, if you’re still having trouble or don’t want to repeat phrases to yourself then try turning the affirmation into a scene in your head. Instead of telling yourself that you’re confident, imagine a scenario where you respond confidently. Make it as real and detailed in your mind as possible. Click below to learn how to use self-hypnosis so that you can start supercharging your affirmations


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