The Quickest and Easiest Self-Hypnosis Technique

The Spiegel Eye Roll was originally created as a way to gauge how receptive someone might be to hypnosis. You can see the chart below to see how it was used.

The higher the score, the more hypnotizable you reportedly are.

However, it can also be used as a hypnotic induction, an induction is the process of entering hypnosis. Here’s how you can use it for self-hypnosis. First, you want to prime yourself for hypnosis, you can use this simple template.

I am going into hypnosis for (x) minutes, so my subconscious mind can help me with (name purpose). When I awaken, I will feel (either “wide awake and ready for anything” or “sleepy and ready for bed”).

EX: I am going into hypnosis for 15 minutes so that my subconscious mind can eliminate any limiting beliefs standing in my way. When I awaken, I will feel wide awake and full of motivation.

This priming is the most simple way to do things but you can also put yourself into self-hypnosis and then give yourself the suggestions you want, the same way a hypnotist would in a 1 on 1 session. When you’re done you can simply count yourself up to full awareness.

Now we use the Spiegel Eye Roll. 

  1. Roll your eyes to the back of your head as much as you can. Imagine you are trying to look up at your eyebrows.

  2. Take a nice deep relaxing breath in and hold it for three seconds.  

  3. Exhale and close your eyes while still looking up. Once your eyes close let your eyes relax and the rest of your body follow suit. 

This induction might feel a bit strange at first and it’s totally normal to find your eyes straining or fluttering before you close them. This induction is great at causing REM, rapid eye movement, which is a great entrance into trance and also the stage during sleep when you have your most vivid dreams! If you’d like you can also roll your eyes back as if you’re focusing on an imaginary spot on top of your forehead and then count yourself down from ten, you will most likely not even make it to one before your eyes naturally close. Here is a video of Dr. Spiegel demonstrating it. If you would like a more thorough guide to using Self-Hypnosis, you can find my complete guide, including this technique, and many more below.


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